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Ramadan guidelines

The UAE recently announced Ramadan 2022 working hours for the private sector. Employees in the private sector will have their working days reduced by two hours during the month. While the public sector working hours are from 9am to 2.30pm from Monday to Thursday, and from 9am to 12pm every Friday.

Ramadan rules in mall F&B outlets:

  • Restaurants that have internal and external seating are allowed to provide service in internal seating areas only.
  • Restaurants that provide service in external spaces only and do not have internal seating are allowed to serve food in the external seating area.
  • Restaurant and cafes located in food courts can operate business as usual.
  • No prior authorisation/permit is required.
  • Dubai restaurants do not have to put up screens or curtains for daytime dining this Ramadan. According to a statement from Dubai’s Department of Economy and Tourism (DET), “restaurants in the emirate [Dubai] can choose whether or not to place curtains to cover their facades for serving food during fasting hours in line with last year’s guidelines.”

Covid-19 guidelines for Iftar Tents

  1. Participants must be at least one metre apart
  2. Tents can only open two hours before the time of iftar
  3. There must be security guards or volunteers to manage people at the entry and exits
  4. Posters need to be hung up at all iftar tent entrances and exits
  5. The Al Hosn Green Pass system and tent capacities will be determined by the local committees in each emirate. Having green status is currently mandatory to enter public places in Abu Dhabi.
  6. People attending iftars in the UAE should also avoid handshakes during greetings.
  7. Particpants must wea face masks, maintain social distancing, and use hand sanitiser.
  8. Iftar tents must be designed with a form of canopy that is open from all sides or be air-conditioned
  9. Tents must also have disposable table covers, while disposable plates, cutlery and cups for each individual are recommended.
  10. Local authorities in each of the emirates will approve the setup of iftar tents, the maximum capacity for each tent and their locations in coordination with the Emirates Red Crescent (ERC).

Ramadan etiquette for non-Muslims

According to the UAE Government Portal, non-Muslims should be careful not to eat, drink and smoke in public during the fasting hours. Other things not to do include:

  • Engaging in aggressive behaviour
  • Dancing or playing music loudly in public
  • Wearing inappropriate clothing in public
  • Swearing, as blasphemy is considered extra offensive during Ramadan
  • Refusing a gift, or an invitation to join someone at iftar

Source: Caterer